Alana Zaychik

Gender: female
Age: 20
Height: 166 cm
Classification: non-psycher
Hobbies: doing magic tricks, playing org and piano.
Likes: puns, cakes, her magic stick.
Dislikes: nothing in particular.

A goofy person whose heart is full of joy and energy, Alana is known for her carefree and childish personality. She is a lighthearted person who jokes around and puns on a daily basis. She also has a tendency not to take matters seriously. Because of her eccentric personality, some people find her lovable while others feel discomforted towards her. Learning magic tricks while growing up, she now works as a magician when she is not busy with her band 4tissimo. Alana is also the girlfriend of Rayne Relish, the guitarist from her band.

( Made with Carrd )